Stepping into a Latin-dance-inspired Zumba class for the very first time? Here are some basic Do’s and Don’ts for Zumba classes.
- Do’s
•Bring a towel and full water bottle. You’ll sweat a lot, re-hydrating throughout the class is crucial.
•Wear something that is breathable and moveable. Choose pants, t-shirts or tank tops, and sneakers with low tread that allow you to pivot your feet easily.
• Keep moving even if you can’t follow some of the steps, just keep moving! Ask a fellow Zumba dancer if there is a particular move you can’t get. I’m sure there’s someone who will be happy to help.
• Consult with a doctor. People who are on medication for heart-related or asthma issues are advised to do so.
• Feel the music and have fun at all times! Try to cut loose and let your body move.
• Attend the class as often as you can. You will find your fitness level increase the more you go! You will definitely catch on to the moves and you’ll soon be an expert.
•Bring some friends or co-workers if you have trouble staying motivated to stick with an exercise routine.
• Be patient to learn the routines.
• Imagine that you’re in a music video. It gives you some attitude.
• Indicate to the instructor immediately if you feel dizziness or shortness of breath in class.
- Don’ts
• Give up! Giving up is not even an option. Come to class regularly. Trust me, the more you come, the easier the moves get and the better your fitness level gets!
• Feel like you have to keep up with the instructor. Don’t expect to pick up all the moves during the first, second or even third class.
• Eat a lot after a class especially if you’re trying to lose weight.
• Be self-conscious. Remind yourself, no one is looking at you -they are looking at the instructor.
• Forget to smile.
• Worry about messing up! It doesn’t matter if you do! Most of us do it all the time.
• Expect that every Zumba class or instructor have the same teaching styles. Look around to find one that suits you best.
• Come to class if you don’t feel well.
Remember, Zumba Fitness party is created for everyone! All shapes and sizes, ages, and fitness levels are welcome! Come to class with an open mind and be ready to shake that booty.